Welcome to My Frisky Business
We welcome anyone who is friendly, like minded, and just out to enjoy themselves to attend our events. All our events are run with a no pressure atmosphere, where it’s all about bringing everyone together to have a great time and make new friends! So come join us and see what you have been missing!
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Topless travels
““TPP” gladly certifies this hott new group that has become an eXcelent addition to the Long Island Lifestyle scene.
If you’re not already a member of their SLS group advise doing so. The 3-Admins of this group J&J along with Neen (SipdersRFun) have it all: looks, personality, seXXXual energy that rocks and best of all, have become friends of ours. All those attributes are key to hosting lifestyle parties as well as running a great group. We have been fortunate to attend their parties and M&G`s, and each one is done with class, style, and seXXXyness. We know and can fully appreciate all the hard work that goes in to throwing Lifestyle parties and manage a group and TY for all your efforts. “TPP” highly recommends attending on of the their parties, not only for a hott time but for all the great people that attend these events - if meeting new friends is important to you like it is for us, then this a great group to be a part of - “TPP” also thx. “MyFriskyBusiness” for attending all of our events too! Keep the fun factor coming, XOXOXO
“Had the pleasure of meeting up with J&J at The View get together. After tracking them down for a few hours. Great people and funny also. I had the pleasure to meet Ms. J left tit and she was just giddy all night. Thank you Ms. J”
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